We run regular webinars.
You can watch recordings of previous and latest webinars by clicking the button below
GMHCA Quick reference Guide: Recognising symptoms of cancer in community pharmacy
GMHCA have developed a quick reference guide to help recognise possible signs of cancer. Access the guide here.
With the launch of the GP CPCS, community pharmacy has the opportunity to question patients in more depth and understand if the minor ailment is negligible or if the symptom or sign is one of a more serious condition.
GMHCA Resilience Training
GMHCA have developed a new resilience training resource. The aim of this training is to help you build resilience and adapt better to life-changing situations.
BMJ Best Practice available to pharmacy professionals
BMJ Best Practice is a clinical decision support tool that provides healthcare professionals quick and easy access to the latest evidence-based information to assist with making diagnosis, understanding prognosis, considering treatment information and advising on preventative options. The information is updated daily and is linked to international guidelines and UK clinical information sources such as the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the British National Formulary (BNF) and the British National Formulary for Children (BNFC).
Access to the BMJ Best Practice is provided by Health Education England (HEE) via an OpenAthens login. Community pharmacists and pharmacy technicians involved in providing NHS services in England can obtain an NHS OpenAthens account via an online form on the NICE website.
Covid-19 tests and testing kits – how they all work
Click here to access information from the MHRA around the various Covid-19 tests and testing kits. The various pieces of information are aimed at members of the public, patients and healthcare professionals. You will find information on how the different types of tests and testing kits work as well as the different types of tests that are currently available.”
Suicide Prevention Resources
The COVID-19 pandemic and the nationwide lockdown have increased mental health problems in the general population compared to pre-pandemic times. Although the trends of mental health problems during and after the first lockdown phase have not yet been fully reviewed, scientists are currently analysing them.
The NHS has developed this resource pack to support community pharmacy and help signpost people who may be struggling with suicidal thoughts or dealing with a bereavement (no matter the cause).
You can view all the information below or download the full pack as a PDF here:
Suicide Prevention Resources for pharmacy
As part of the PQS you may have already completed some of these e-Learnings.
Shining a Light on Suicide
Information and support for people who are feeling suicidal, worried about someone else, or bereaved by suicide in their local areas and nationally. The news page highlights events and training.
Zero Suicide Alliance: Learn to Save a Life Training
Free online 20-minute training to equip you with the skills and knowledge to help someone that may be thinking of suicide.
Health Education England: We need to talk about suicide e-learning
Free 1-hour e-learning module that has been developed for the public health workforce to help professionals, like yourself, feel more confident talking about suicide.
We need to talk about suicide e-learning
24/7 helpline for anyone that is struggling to cope or needs someone to talk to, whatever they’re going through. Call 116 123.
A confidential support and advice service for anyone under the age of 35 who is experiencing thoughts of suicide, or anyone who is concerned about a young person. Papyrus also provide a Debrief Service for professionals who have spoken to someone experiencing suicidal thoughts and would like to talk it through with a trained professional. Call 0800 068 4141 (9am to 12 midnight, every day)
A free, confidential 24/7 text service for anyone that is struggling to cope. Text Shout to 85258.
Pharmacy in Practice Podcast
Interview with Dr Hayley Gorton, Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice, University of Huddersfield, who discusses the emerging area of community pharmacy involvement in suicide prevention.
Podcast: Suicide prevention through community pharmacy
Centre for Pharmacy and Postgraduate Education (CPPE)
A video learning resource on suicide awareness for pharmacy staff which explains a pharmacy’s role in supporting suicide prevention, how to support people who are thinking about suicide or affected by suicide, and where to refer patients.
CPPE: suicide awareness e-learning
Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership
For more information about mental health and other health related matters, visit: www.gmhsc.org.uk.
Bereavement Resources
Greater Manchester Bereavement Service
Greater Manchester Bereavement Service can help to find support for anyone in Greater Manchester that has been bereaved or affected by a death. It also offers support for professionals.
Local and national support can be found at www.Greater-Manchester-Bereavement-Service.org.uk
Call 0161 983 0902 or email salccg.gm.bs@nhs.net
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (except bank holidays)
COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
Primary Care, NHS England and NHS Improvement have set up a dedicated space for the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme on their FutureNHS workspace at https://future.nhs.uk , where you can access the recording and slides from past webinars, ask any further questions and get access to key information. Please do ensure you are signed up. Please do register if you haven’t signed up for their regular webinars.
The above mentioned 4 topics have been taken from the PSNC website on the 20/11/2020.
PQS Part 2 Evidence Checklist & PharmOutcomes Framework
The following resources are now available to support community pharmacy contractors in completing Part 2 of the Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS).
PSNC Briefing 041/20
Contractors should collect evidence to assure themselves that they meet all the requirements for each criteria within a PQS Part 2 domain, as well as for validation checks. PSNC Briefing 041/20: Part 2 2020-21 PQS – Evidence Checklist provides examples of suggested evidence, in a checklist format.
PharmOutcomes PQS framework
As contractors and their teams complete each criterion, they can mark this on PharmOutcomes to track their progress with achieving the quality criteria. This can be accessed by logging into PharmOutcomes and selecting 'Assessments'. The framework is listed as
'Pharmacy Quality Scheme 2020/21 – Part 2:
COVID 19 Webinars 2020
The GM Healthcare Academy in partnership with GM and Bolton LPCs and supported by Pharmacy Complete hosted a series of Covid-19 Community Pharmacy Webinars from Wednesday 13th May 2020 to Wednesday 15th July 2020 which are available to view on the links below: